Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Auckland Day 2

The two Burmese cats slept with us all night. We woke to a beautiful morning.
Phil and I showered and Tony made us tea before going to work. Phil and I went geocaching and birding on the beaches in front of the house. There was a film crew down the street making some kind of film about a garage sale-- lots of trucks and equipment.
We saw white faced herons and variable oystercatchers.

It took me a while to screw up my courage to take Alison’s car out on the highway. The hardest part was not the left side driving but backing out of the driveway and returning the car to the garage! We had an absolutely beautiful drive to Muriwai Beach where we took the long path out to view gannet colony. It could not have been a prettier day for the walk. I got me feet in the Tasman sea (but didn’t take my shoes off ). Phil and I shared a piece of fried fish (hoki) and a fried crab stick before heading back.

After a bit, we went back out for another geocaching adventure and walk through the neighborhoods.

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