Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Scotland June 27, 2007 Dundee

If you want to see ALL my pictures, look at

Vicki Hanson of IBM was the keynote speaker. I attended a session on accessibility afterwards that was not good. Anne and I presented our poster – I had wrinkled it badly, so I was a bit embarrassed. We did have a few interested visitors. I chaired a terrific session on gender issues – examples of all good paper types. Mary Anne Egan taught a course on women and computing that was exciting; Catherine Land from Australia did a large scale analysis of factors leading to success; and Susan Haller and Tim Fossom summer camp for kids was thoroughly analyzed by an education researcher.

After the wrap up I was in the group that went to the botanical garden, a short walk from the conference. However, it was a long way through the garden to the greenhouse where the food and wine were served. I was the official at the reception but there were no speeches so I didn’t have to do anything!

We walked from there back. Then the conference committee and board members went to a Bangladeshi restaurant for dinner and lots of pinot grigio. It was very late when I got back to pack.

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