Thursday, July 10, 2008

July 7-9 Auckland, NZ

July 7. Days spent at NAACQ Conference. Alison had broken her toe at the conference banquet!
Alison's Boot

I gave the keynote at the end of the conference talking about the Oral History Project. We checked out of the hotel and went to Alison and Tony's. Alison cooked a big delicious dinner.

July 8. Tony, Don and I went to AUT where I gave a workshop on Alice programming. The person who was to have the accounts set up hadn't done it so we had a slow start. Two high school teachers--Gerard and Malcolm,from AUT Graham, Gordon, Tony, plus Don, and from Otago -- Dale, Lesley and Sam attended. We switched to looking at lots of languages in the afternoon. Then home for another Alison meal.
July 9
We had a lot of trouble getting out of the house. We tried to get a printer hooked up to print the geocache info, never did getr it on my machine. Then we went to the boat to pick up the geocache. I thought that meant walking on a dock and getting it but it meant getting through the yacht club gate for which Tony had the wrong code; getting the dinghy; getting into the dinghy which we nearly swamped (both Don and I had wet rears from the unbalanced load); rowing a long ways to the boat; me doing a very ungraceful entry.
Yacht club

Getting the dinghy
We had coffee and then took the ferry to Waiheke. It was a gorgeous day. Took the bus to Little Oneroa and walked along a track to find the geocache.
Little Oneroa
We found the cache and walked into Oneroa where we bought wine. The winery Alison had gone to in 2006 has gone out of business so I bought Peninsular Vineyard wine. We then took a cab to Mudbrick Winery for lunch.
Found the Cache!

Lunch wine
View from winery

See all the photos

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