Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day September 3, 2012 San Francisco

Suze and Phil at GG Park

I baked an apple pie using refrigerator rolls as bottom crust (not a good idea).  Suze, Phil and I walked to Golden Gate park, found a geocache and enjoyed being in the park even though it was a very foggy day.  We loved the vibrant Queen Wilhelmina Garden with its windmill. At the northwestern entrance to the park.  Just down the road was Beach Chalet with murals painted in 1936-37 showing only one tower of the Golden Gate Bridge which was then under construction.  We walked north along Ocean Beach to Cliff House and the Sutro Baths, so we have made a loop from Suze’s house, albeit on different days.  Luis picked us up and brought us back to the house. 
Labor Day Chef at work

Once again we went to Fresh and Easy to get a few things for the “picnic.  We crossed a picket line at the store which was ironic as it was Labor Day! Luis did a lot of chopping and grilling for our feast.  Their tiny grill was down a flight of stairs in the yard but did a great job on fresh corn on the cob, eggplant, burgers, chicken and Italian sausage. He had also oven roasted new potatoes. We had our picnic indoors!

See all pictures from the trip

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