Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Australia 2008 Pt 4

I walked on the cliff path in front of Joy and Barrie’s – even saw two alpacas. I caught up on my mail and diary in the morning. About noon Joy and I took off to do a couple of errands and sightsee and geocache.

After being thwarted by two caches, Joy spotted her first a cache at Indented Head. Then I got fish and chips (sounded good, hit my stomach like lead) and Joy and I ate watching flock after flock of gulls .

We headed west to Torquay to give back the parking card Val gave us and then on to Anglesea Golf Course to look for kangaroos. On the way we traveled on the Great Ocean Road and looked for a geocache which Joy spotted immediately. I left a container of dental floss and took a little koala.

We were definitely not disappointed by the kangaroos on the golf course. There were tons!

Then we went to look for koalas without success. But it was a beautiful drive.

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