Barbara went to Atlanta to help Gwyneth with her Ralph party. Chloe flew back with her on Monday and is keeping her grandparents busy. The first event was purchasing a new car seat. Since Barbara worked all day Tuesday, Grandpa did homeschooling with her. Chloe went to school with Barbara in the evening to view student projects in Alice. After Phil finished choir, we all went to Susannah's to see the new foster kitty.
See flickr slideshow! Wednesday was a busy day. Barbara and Chloe went to story time at the library and picked out videos and CD books for the trip back to Georgia. Then water aerobics. We picked up Phil for lunch at IKEA. Chloe wanted to play in Smaland, so Barb and Phil shopped a while. Chloe wanted shoulder length hair. Chloe spotted a fox in the backyard!
Barb went to Irvine, California to a NCWIT meeting. Prior to the meeting, I went Geocaching (without a GPS) with my friend Andrea and we were able to find the cache just using google maps!
The UC Irvine campus was gorgeous and the talks on Pair Programming made me feel like a religious convert!