Flood on June 27, 2007 behind our house. Phil
was home, Barb was in Scotland and missed it!
Bike Trail on San Gabriel
Gazebo at San Gabriel Park
Low Water Crossing at the Park
If you want to see ALL my pictures, look at
Vicki Hanson of IBM was the keynote speaker. I attended a session on accessibility afterwards that was not good. Anne and I presented our poster – I had wrinkled it badly, so I was a bit embarrassed. We did have a few interested visitors. I chaired a terrific session on gender issues – examples of all good paper types. Mary Anne Egan taught a course on women and computing that was exciting; Catherine Land from
We walked from there back. Then the conference committee and board members went to a Bangladeshi restaurant for dinner and lots of pinot grigio. It was very late when I got back to pack.
We got box lunches and headed out to She greeted us at the door and gave a wonderful welcome in the formal dining room. In the library there was a trophy turkey
that had been shot in
The bus driver allowed us to go back to our rooms and then took us to the reception at the University. There was an excellent interactive performance on accessibility issues in web design. I found two people willing to go geocaching with me to the top of Dundee Law. It was a stiff hike up mostly on pedestrian staircases. The view from the top was awesome, as it was just sunset. We got back just as it got dark – 10:30 pm. I sat with Eric and Lauren while she translated French poetry with our help and that of Babelfish! I introduced Eric to IrnBru.
So I did the bus-train-cab thing and got back to Dundee in time to go to a great banquet at
I spent a lot of time in the beautiful gardens so missed seeing the inside. The banquet included a very elaborate poem and ceremony saluting the haggis. I got a great shot of Eric Roberts applauding the haggis -- quite a
surprise for a confirmed vegetarian!
I even dragged Henry out on the dance floor to do a Scottish dance. We were both awful!
Our bus broke down on the way back and we had to wait for a replacement. It was after midnight when we got back.