Friday, September 26, 2008

Camille's Birthday

Camille celebrated her 10th birthday in Texas.

Gwyneth brought the girls to go to the Austin Kiddie limits music festival and so we got to share Camille's birthday with her.

The girls made Playdough breaksfast for Phil and me!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Chicago for SGB

Quick trip to Chicago to attend a meeting as SIGCSE chair. Spent Friday evening with my cousin.

We had a great meal Friday night with Sue, Rich and Uncle Willie. Rich is a superb chef.
I managed to find a geocache near her home on Saturday morning.

Pictures of the trip are posted.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sydney Australia

I walked to Central station to look for another cache, but didn’t find it. I went back to the conference. Since it was a nice day, I skipped out on three papers and went with Dale Parsons from Otago on a monorail ride and a Sydney Harbour tour. We returned just in time for lunch!


See more photos.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Australia 2008 Pt 4

I walked on the cliff path in front of Joy and Barrie’s – even saw two alpacas. I caught up on my mail and diary in the morning. About noon Joy and I took off to do a couple of errands and sightsee and geocache.

After being thwarted by two caches, Joy spotted her first a cache at Indented Head. Then I got fish and chips (sounded good, hit my stomach like lead) and Joy and I ate watching flock after flock of gulls .

We headed west to Torquay to give back the parking card Val gave us and then on to Anglesea Golf Course to look for kangaroos. On the way we traveled on the Great Ocean Road and looked for a geocache which Joy spotted immediately. I left a container of dental floss and took a little koala.

We were definitely not disappointed by the kangaroos on the golf course. There were tons!

Then we went to look for koalas without success. But it was a beautiful drive.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Australia 2008 Pt 3

I was up early and walked around the neighborhood and down along the beach. After breakfast Joy packed the car to go to Torkay where she gave her first Thermomix demo to her friends – Val Clarke who was the hostess, Cath and Loreen. Joy did a good job and the views from Val’s were spectacular. I walked over to the beach to get a good look at the Southern Ocean. See Thermomix photos

We went directly from Val’s to Melbourne to Federation Square where we tried to find the venue for the ACS / Women in IT dinner at Bok Choy Tang. No one seemed to know where either the building or the restaurant was. However, after 20 minutes of wandering we found it. Carla Romero from CRA was the speaker. I had good conversation with Annemeike, Catherine Lang and two young women. The Chinese food was quite good. Joy gave a ride home to Annemeike and Jo Caldwell. We got home about 11. I went to bed straightaway. Photos of evening

Monday, September 1, 2008

Australia Pt 3

Joy, Barrie and I were out early to go to Monash Caufield to visit with Judy Sheard and Barbara Ainsworth about their computer museum and oral history collection. I got a lot of pointers for the project and Joy and Barrie reminisced about professors and computers with Judy.

Lunch was a protracted affair and a student eatery mainly because my main disk, Thai curry was very slow in coming. After lunch we headed out to the hospital so Joy and Barrie could visit with her father. We were back around 6:30 and Joy made a lovely red pepper dip and served hummus and Barrie poured a wine. I ate so much I couldn’t eat the risotto and rolls.